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6 Cost-Saving Energy Tips for SMEs

The Energy Engineer team take a look at several cost-saving energy tips to take advantage of ASAP.

12 May 2023 | By Vincent Van Kampen

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Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are always looking for ways to reduce their costs and improve their bottom line. Energy consumption is a necessary (but controllable) cost that is often ripe for improvement.

By implementing energy-saving measures, SMEs can reduce their energy consumption and lower their energy bills whilst contributing to a more sustainable future. 

Here are 6 Tips from the Energy Engineers team to take impactful action and save on energy costs:

1) Conduct an Energy Audit

The first step to save on energy costs is to conduct an energy audit. An energy audit is a comprehensive assessment of your energy usage and equipment performance, designed to identify areas of improvement and energy-saving opportunities. 

By understanding how and where your energy is being consumed, you can identify areas where you can reduce your energy consumption and lower your energy bills. There are many companies that provide energy audit services, and you can also conduct a basic energy audit yourself using free online tools. Though the tools are only as good as the person filling in the data.

2) Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Lighting

Lighting can accounts for a significant portion of a business’s energy consumption. Upgrading to energy-efficient lighting, such as LED lighting, can help to reduce energy consumption and lower your energy bills. LED lighting lasts longer and consumes less energy than traditional lighting, reducing maintenance costs and energy bills.

Though the majority of lights are LED these days there are many different types of qualities and more efficient LED to be aware off these days.

3) Optimise Your Heating and Cooling 

Heating, Cooling, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems can also consume a significant amount of energy. By optimising these systems system, you can reduce energy consumption and lower your energy bills.

Simple measures such as cleaning and replacing air filters and adjusting the thermostat, can help to improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling systems.

Another gain of optimising these systems is wasted energy recovery. With the right systems in place you can reconvert energy into use, eliminating the need to draw more costly power.

4) Switch to Renewable Energy Sources

Switching to renewable energy sources, such as solar power, can help to reduce your energy consumption from the grid and so lower your energy bills. Though it does not lower your energy usage, and if your usage is outside of the sunhours it might not help much.

Solar power is becoming increasingly affordable, and there are government incentives available to businesses that install solar panels.

If you’re considering solar – make sure to reach out to our sister company about tailored renewable solutions. 

5) Power Down Equipment When Not in Use

Many businesses leave equipment and appliances running when they are not in use, contributing to unnecessary energy consumption and higher energy bills.

By powering down equipment and appliances when they are not in use, you can reduce your energy consumption and lower your energy bills.

This simple behaviour / process change has a minor, but compounding, effect on reductions to overall energy usage.

6) Implement an Energy Management System

Implementing an energy management system can help you to monitor and control your energy consumption, identifying areas where you can reduce your energy usage and lower your energy bills. 

An energy management system can also help you to identify equipment and appliances that are consuming excessive amounts of energy, allowing you to take corrective action.

The First Step to Save on Energy Costs

SMEs can make significant savings on energy costs by implementing any of the above energy-saving measures. To make maximum impact it’s important to understand how each would contribute to your situation. This helps you prioritise and achieve optimal ROI.

That’s why an energy audit is typically the first step in any energy efficiency project. You’ll be able to identify the low-hanging fruit and build a logical roadmap for improvement.

If you’re a Queensland SME looking for energy efficiency advice (or know a business in need) reach out to Energy Engineers team for an obligation free discussion.

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